All Saints Church – Eco Church Award

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We’ve done it! We are officially an Eco Church, and have been awarded Bronze status from the A Rocha UK charity. This is for the activities in five key areas of church life:
Worship and teaching, Buildings, Land, Community and global engagement, and Lifestyle. This now gives us an opportunity to go for Silver and Gold!

Please see their message below:

Congratulations to All Saints Church, Allesley
You have been awarded an Eco Church Bronze award.
Well done to everyone who has worked so hard to reach this milestone.
From everyone at A Rocha UK, thank you. Thank you for becoming a beacon for
saving nature.
Thank you for joining A Rocha UK’s Eco Church movement caring for God’s creation.
Nature is crying out. Thank you for answering the missional call for creation.
Thank you on behalf of the insects that are now buzzing, the birds that are singing,
and the plants that are springing into life.

For more information about Echo Church please visit the website: Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project