Safeguarding Policy

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At All Saints’ we do our utmost to ensure that everyone on site is kept safe.  All staff and volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults must undergo a safer recruitment process and an enhanced DBS disclosure.

We also expect them to be fully conversant with the safeguarding policy. As a church, we have adopted the Church of England’s safeguarding policy ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ which can be viewed here.

1. To view our procedure for responding to concerns or allegations, click here.

2. To report concerns please download, print and fill out this recording concerns form which can be accessed here.

Please read Bishop Christopher’s November 2019 email concerning Safeguarding and Past Cases Review 2 – click here.
Please read Diocese of Coventry Past Cases Review 2 – Information Leaflet for Clergy – click here.

For more information or to report a Safeguarding concern directly, our Parish Safeguarding Officer Karissa on , or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 024 7652 1345, or Rev. Sarah 07793279709

Useful Contact Information

Diocesan Safeguarding Team – 024 7652 1345 (24 hours) – if for any reason the Parish Safeguarding Officer, or Rev. Lizzy can’t be contacted, the Diocesan Safeguarding Team will be able to help you.

Childline – 0800 11 11 – a free confidential helpline for children, open 24 hours a day, every day, all year.

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 – if you are worried about a child, contact the NSPCC helpline. Don’t wait until you are certain, call for advice and support or email

The Silverline – 0800 470 8090 – a free confidential helpline for older people open 24 hours a day, every day, all year.

The Samaritans – 116 123 – if there is something troubling you, you can get in touch any time.

Coventry Children’s Social Care Team – 024 7655 2635, out of hours 024 7683 2222.

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub – 024 7678 8555.