Hello and Welcome
“Welcome to All Saints Church”
We are a vibrant church in Allesley. We aim to be a place where everyone can get to know Jesus better. We seek to encounter God in the Bible, in our worship and in our community. All Saints is a church where we can explore faith in a safe and supportive environment. Our hope is that through our worship and community life, all are able to embrace God’s love and see their lives changed.
Everyone is welcome…we look forward to seeing you.
NOTICE: The 8am and the 6pm Church Services run on alternate Sundays. Please check with our Church Office to find out which service is scheduled for the coming Sunday or read our Focus newsletter. The 10am Family Church Service is also in person and can be viewed online. Join us on YouTube every Sunday. Worshipping Jesus in our everyday lives is what we do.
8.00am Book of Common Prayer
A spoken service with time for reflection.
10.00am Family Service & Online Sunday Worship
A service for all the family with music, teaching, prayer and groups for children.
6.00pm Evening service
A service to end the day with music, teaching and prayers.
Facilities: These include parking, disabled access, baby changing room, crèche, and hearing loop.
Church Hall for Hire
Our Church Hall is a popular venue for a wide range of community activities and is available to hire for parties, music practice and fitness groups, etc.
To find out more please email roombooking@allesleychurch.org.uk or telephone the Church Office Monday-Thursday 9am-12 noon, 02476 402006.
We aim to:
- Worship God.
- Share Jesus’ good news with others.
- Apply God’s teachings in our everyday lives and transform our communities.