Woodland Burials in Allesley

Allesley Woodland Burial Ground
Woodland burial is a way of giving purpose to places of burial and to avoid them being liabilities to our own and future generations. It is a means of bringing death back into our consciousness as a part of life. Death is an inevitable consequence of life and here is a way for there to be another “life after death”, by our mortal remains being the source of goodness and support to a tree which, God willing, will outlive us and help to rescue our planet from its
current deprivations. In short here is a way to give an improved environment to
our own generation and to many future generations at no cost to ourselves.
Two acres of land owned by Allesley Parochial Church Council has been
granted planning consent for use for woodland burial. The first acre, known as
Winser Garth, was consecrated as a woodland burial ground by the Bishop of
Coventry in September 1995.
The burial area has been planned to recreate a traditional oak woodland which is one of
the finest wildlife habitats. The graves will be in small groups initially so that the
eventual woodland looks as natural as possible. Each grave will accept two
burials, side by side. After the first burial a small oak tree will be planted.
Woodland wild flowers such as bluebells and aconites may be planted too. Then
after the second burial a native shrub such as dogwood, hazel or guelder rose
will be planted. In this way each grave becomes a small piece of woodland
combining with others to create a permanent wood. Each burial is recorded
in our register and a certificate of entry will be available.
A woodland cemetery is unlike others. To encourage wildlife, wild flowers and oak
trees it is necessary to impose number of conditions. Access to individual graves
must be discouraged as it would create disturbance and paths. As the major
purpose in visiting graves is to see the memorial or place flowers these cannot
be placed on the woodland graves. If you, and your family can accept these
conditions you will see an oak tree slowly develop as a living memorial, one which
will continue for the next 500 years and beyond.
If these conditions are not acceptable to you or to your relatives, please do
not request burial here as it will cause distress later.
The cemetery will be managed for the benefit of wildlife and it needs to
be clearly understood that the traditional neat and tidy appearance
of cemeteries will not apply to this burial area. This form of burial will
not be for those who need that neatness of mown grass with
headstone. It will be chosen by those who wish to create
woodland for future generations.
Because the woodland burial ground at Allesley is not a public cemetery
but an extension of the churchyard of All Saints Church, graves are
reserved for parishioners or those who have a sufficient link with the
parish to satisfy the Rector of their right to Christian burial
here. There are no longer any facilities for other types of burial at
Allesley although ashes may be placed in certain locations.
Coventry City Council Bereavement Services offer a full range of options, including woodland burials in other parts of the city.
It is not necessary to reserve a space in the Woodland Burial Ground and we do not reserve specific sites.
For more information please contact:
The Church Office on 02476 402006 or email: allesleychurch@gmail.com